CMB Clinical Trials

Apr 2, 20204 min

Why doesn't depression medications always work?

Updated: Jun 20, 2020

Depression is among the foremost common problems seen in primary-care medicine and shortly is going to be the second leading explanation for a disability in this generation. The problem is even worse because the positive studies have hardly shown any benefit in the first place. For instance, 40 percent of individuals taking a placebo got better, while only 60 percent taking the particular drug had improvement in their symptoms. Watching it differently, 80 percent of individuals recover with just a placebo.

That leaves us with an enormous problem, many depressed people with no effective treatments being offered by most conventional practitioners. However, there are treatments available. Functional medicine provides a singular and effective way of treating depression and other psychological problems. There are dozens of causes of depression -- all needing a unique approach to treatment. Depression isn't one-size-fits-all, but it's quite common.

Women have a 10% to 25 % risk and men a 5% to 12 percent risk of developing severe major depression in their lifetime. One in ten Americans takes an antidepressant. The utilization of those drugs has tripled within the last decade, consistent with a report by the federal.

But simply because antidepressants are popular doesn't suggest they're helpful. Unfortunately, as we now see from this report within the New England Journal of drugs, they do not work and have significant side effects. Success is taken into account, just a 50 percent improvement in half depressive symptoms. And this minimal results achieved in but half the patients taking antidepressants.

That's a reasonably dismal record. It's only made worse by the very fact that 86 percent of individuals taking antidepressants have one or more side effects, including sexual dysfunction, fatigue, and insomnia, loss of mental abilities, nausea, and weight gain. No wonder half the people that try antidepressants quit after almost four months.

Now, about the explanations why the 'antidepressant hoax deceives doctors and patients.' Despite what we've been brainwashed to believe, depression isn't a Prozac deficiency!

How the antidepressant hoax has deceived us?

  • Drug companies aren't forced to publish all the results of their studies. They only publish those from which they are benefitted. The team of researchers that reported their findings within the New England Journal of drugs took a critical test of all the studies done on antidepressants, both published and unpublished. They dug up some serious dirt.

  • The unpublished studies weren't easy to seek out. The researchers had to look at the FDA databases, call researchers, and seek out hidden data under the liberty of data Act. What they found was stunning.

  • After watching 74 studies involving 12 drugs and over 12,000 people, they found that 37 of 38 trials with positive results were published, while only 14 of 36 negative studies were published.

  • People who experienced negative results were, "published during a way that conveyed a positive outcome." That means the results were twisted to imply the drugs worked once they didn't.

  • It isn't just dragging with antidepressants. It is a problem with the research project. Some drug companies even pay or threaten scientists not to publish negative results on their drugs. Such a lot for evidence-based medicine!

Scientific trust is broken. What can we do?

  • Unfortunately, there's no easy answer. But functional medicine, on which the approach of UltraWellness is predicated, provides a more intelligent way of understanding the research. Instead of using drugs to suppress symptoms, Functional Medicine helps us find the true causes of problems, including depression.

  • Even as similar things that make us sick also make us sick, the same things that make us sick also make us depressed. Fix the causes of sickness- and eventually, you can take care of depression.

Need to consider these cases

  • Food allergies cause inflammation, and studies now show inflammation within the brains of depressed people. Researchers are studying powerful anti-inflammatory drugs utilized in an autoimmune disorder like Enbrel for the treatment of depression.

  • A 37-year-old executive woman struggled for quite a decade with treatment-resistant depression (meaning that drugs didn't work), fatigue, and a 40-pound weight gain. We found she had very high levels of mercury. Getting the mercury out of her body left her happy, and filled with energy.

  • The roots of depression are found within the seven keys to Ultrawellness and, therefore, the seven fundamental underlying imbalances that trigger the body to malfunction. Taking antidepressants isn't the solution to our looming psychological state epidemic. The necessary cure lies in rebalancing the underlying systems in your body that is at the basis of all healthy and illness.

Seven steps to treat depression without drugs

Here are seven steps you can do to start out treating your depression today.

  1. Try an anti-inflammatory elimination diet that obviates common food allergens. As discussed above, food allergies and, therefore, the resultant inflammation are connected with depression and other mood disorders.

  2. Check for hypothyroidism. This unrecognized epidemic may be a leading explanation for depression. Confirm to possess a thorough thyroid exam if you're depressed.

  3. Take vitamin D. Deficiency of this essential vitamin can cause depression. Supplement with a minimum of 2,000 to 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 each day can be effective.

  4. Take omega-3 fats. Your brain is formed of this fat, and deficiency can cause several problems. Supplement with 1,000 to 2,000 mg of purified animal oil each day can work wonders.

  5. Take adequate B12 (1,000 micrograms, or mcg, a day), B6 (25 mg), and vitamin B (800 mcg). These vitamins are critical for metabolizing homocysteine, which may play an element in depression.

  6. Get checked for mercury.

  7. Exercise vigorously five times every week for half-hour. It increases levels of BDNF, a natural antidepressant in your brain.

Overcoming depression is a crucial step toward vibrant lifelong health. These are just a few of the simplest and best belongings you can do to treat depression. But there are even more, which you'll address by merely working through the 7 Keys to UltraWellness. Depression is more or less a label we give to people that have a depressed mood most of the time, have lost interest or pleasure in most activities, are fatigued, can't sleep, haven't any interest in sex, feel hopeless and helpless, can't think clearly, or can't make decisions.
